Things to Do When Your Passport Run Out of Pages and How to Get an Emergency Passport Abroad

So you're finally out on that big trip you have been planning for months, and you could not be more stoked about it. You have taken hundreds, maybe even thousands of pictures made memorable memories, and had the trip of a life. You have been amassing tons of stamps in your passport, and you're quite proud of these! All things considered, passport stamps are a badge of honor among travelers right?

One day you’re flipping through your passport, taking a peek at a few of those stamps you have gathered and then you suddenly realize the day has come - you have run out of space! You go through each of your pages in a fear realized that you are screwed! What exactly are you going to perform??


It’s a total bummer, but first things first - don’t panic. You might be freaking out a bit (that is completely normal!), but things will be just fine. Take a deep breath, and we’ll get through this together.

Based on your future travel demands you might not need another passport! If you are at the end of your journey and are only going to be returning home you need to be fine. But if you've still got some more adventuring ahead of you, that is a bit of a different story.

Rest assured, we have been through this problem before and therefore are here to offer you a helpful guide to getting an emergency passport / to what to do in case you run out pages on your passport.


While we sincerely wish this was true, it's unfortunately not. The US Department of State ceased adding additional pages to passports in 2016 much to the dismay of American travelers across the world.


From here you've got two choices:

1. If you have time and can return to the embassy in 2 weeks, simply apply for another passport. While unquestionably a little of a hassle, it can be done in person at your respective US Embassy and is a fairly straightforward process. Simply complete all the steps below, only at a much more relaxed pace. The necessary forms and payments will be the same except you won't be having to present evidence of onward journey!

2. But if you're more pressed on time, you'll be needing an emergency passport.


As it sounds, an emergency passport is one issued in any sort of emergency. If you are unable to wait the 10-15 times for regular processing time, a crisis passport could be issued at just a couple of hours.

Unlike a normal passport publication, an emergency passport is just valid for up to 1 year, and has an extremely limited number of pages - 5 to be exact. Therefore, if you're nearing the end of your travels this may be exactly the solution you want!


The very first step in receiving any emergency or replacement passport is making an appointment with the various US embassy in your present country. You can also hire private passport services in San Antonio to make your passport process easy and get your passport as soon as possible. This almost always has to be done online, and the booking website can normally be found with a simple Google search - i.e. if you are looking to make an appointment at the embassy in Bangkok, simply search 'US embassy in Bangkok'. Once you've created your appointment, you are one step closer to getting a new passport!


To help the process along easily, there are a couple of things you will have to bring with you:
  • Your full passport book
  • Two current passport photographs
  • Completed DS-82 form - filling this out beforehand will help to accelerate the process along
  • A printed record of your appointment in the embassy - some embassies might not need this, others might not, but better safe than sorry
  • Printed proof of onward travel from the country - any flight confirmation is going to do, it merely needs to have your title, airport and passing listed
  • Necessary payment - some embassies will accept charge card, others only accept money so far better to attract both just if
  • NOT YOUR LAPTOP - United States embassies don’t allow visitors (US citizen or not) to bring tablets, so don't make the identical mistake I did and leave your personal computer at home
  • Some embassies have limited appointment availabilities - in case this is the case and you URGENTLY need your emergency passport (i.e. you're leaving the country in two days) give them a call and see if you're able to work something out
  • When applying for a new passport book abroad, you can apply for a large publication at no additional price! For frequent travelers that this is a valuable bit of information!
  • Be certain that you keep your previous passport book!
  • Request about visa transfers - based on where you are and what kind of visa that you have, you may need to present a licensed letter with your new and old passport to leave the country correctly
  • When getting your emergency passport will most likely be asked to return in a couple of hours - it might appear to be a pain but consider it as a great opportunity to grab a little snack and learn more about the region!
  • It doesn't hurt to wear on a little something pleasant. This does not mean that you have to wear a suit, but it's likely not the best idea to put on those lace trousers you have been rocking since your time in Northern Thailand
  • Smile! We know it's a very stressful situation and you may believe in on your head, but a little positivity goes a long way. If you just explain to the embassy your situation and are sincere about it that they will be much more likely to help than if you approach the problem with a bad attitude

The price for the two replacement emergency passports is $110. This may be paid in American money, local currency equivalent, and sometimes credit card too.

TIP: Maintain your receipt after paying for your emergency passport!! At any time you go to apply for a full passport book, you can get it free of charge if you present the reception from your emergency passport!


Now that you have got everything sorted out along with your new passport in hand, you should be well on your way! We sincerely hope that this Guide has helped you in getting yourself a brand new passport, and should you happen to have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask us! Texas Passport Center is always happy to help.